Course Details


Dubai, UAE
From Date:  06-Oct-2025   To Date:     10-Oct-2025
5 days
Corrosion, Metallurgy & Inspection

In order to proactively improve and enhance the safety reliability and profitability in chemical plants and oil field related plant and machinery, it is necessary to understand where why, and how the corrosion related mechanisms cause damage which eventually lead to sudden failures. Such an understanding of failure mode helps to establish plant reliability and safety at optimal cost.


This course aims to provide the participants with an understanding of why and how corrosion occurs, the metallurgical and environmental factors influencing corrosion, and practical methods of corrosion control and failure prevention.  Participants will be able to grasp the basic concepts related to corrosion, metallurgy and failure analysis, and to apply the state-of-the-art technology in their workplace with an aim to achieve low cost reliability.  This course is designed to take a break and learn why problems persist in different parts and plants and machinery and how to address them by careful online monitoring.


This course provides an excellent avenue for process engineers operations staff, maintenance engineers, inspection and laboratory personnel, and those involved in failure analysis to update their appreciation of corrosion and the awareness of the emerging technologies for corrosion control and failure prevention.  The presentation is made in simple style for all levels of engineering staff.



Day 1:

Problems relating to Carbon steel the common metal used in refinery equipment

Manufacture and Physical properties of carbon steel-Trace elements that alter the properties significantly- Grain boundary problem-Types of carbon steel used in refining-Addition of Cr Ni etc and effects –stainless steels  

Environment that affects metals

Water and atmosphere- simple non aggressive condition-8 types of corrosion- micro and macro- corrosion in water – velocity and factors- cavitation- erosion-selective leaching-pitting- filliform- MIC- Galvanic Corrosion - Atmospheric Corrosion- Uniform or Localized Loss of Thickness Factors that influence corrosion Stress assisted corrosion-Hydrogen embrittlement-HIC- 

Day 2:

Problems relating to input material crude complexity and corrosivity- Water related problems 

Produce water-Desalter wash water-Hydro treater waste-Other waste water-a high volume - low toxicity waste. -Water separation and transport- site preparation, pumping, treatment equipment, storage equipment, management of residuals and associated  corrosion problems.  All that contains in crude Solids- silt sand carbonates, corrosion products Liquids- oil, condensate, TDS in water,   Gases- soluble and insoluble- Oxygen, H2S, CO2 Bacteria-types Flow related problems  

Problem related to Treatment Chemical

Hydrate Inhibitor-Water Vapor :Dehydrator- Scale Inhibitor-corrosion Inhibitor- Bactericide-Emulsion Breakers- Flocculants-problem of inhibitors 

Produced water  separation and disposal problems- pH management and related problems- scale removal and problem of sulphates-waste water and solids disposal-Environmental issues-salinity and aquatic toxicity 

NORM in produced water- radium-226 and radium228-surface, temperature

changes and precipitation.  

Day 3:

Multiphase problems- temperature, water-oil partitioning, water chemistry and flow patterns-impact on metallurgy of pipe material-type of corrosion products formed on the steel surfaces-, inhibitor ad- sorption on suspended particles-- inhibitor accumulation on gas bubbles, oil/water droplets and emulsions. Flow patterns and types of corrosion   

Crude distillation-process related problems  

The effect of Chemicals added to crude and water entering desalter

The role of oxygen in presence of chloride, H2S, and CO2 

Desalter and mixed crude problems 

Over head and heat exchanger problems  

Day 4:

On line monitoring of water H2S, amine, combined and alone- hydrocarbon dew point- overhead contactor- cryogenic extractor- NGL separation- molecular sieve control  pipe line quality- liquefaction and storage-consumer and product line analysis for moisture and Sulfur-in LNG  and LPG-re gasification and recheck H2S- hyd. carbon dew point on vaporization

NDT and lab testing-measuring corrosion 

Coupons and probes – what information we get-Sample collection- precautions and methodology-Field testing- simple instruments- Sample collection of oil water and solids- sampling techniques- do’s and don’ts Analysis of-Solids- sludge types, deposits- carbonates,   Liquids-water –pH –temperature- soluble H2S- CO2-Gase s- CO2 

Corrosion control 

Day 5:

General methods of control- coating- cathodic protection-selection of alternative material and design- inhibitors and chemicals – biocides Use of non-metallics- Fiber glass and composites- concrete – rubber –Corrosion Resistant Alloys.   corrosion Video- CUI- negligence of timely action Introduction to MIC-Micro and macro organism – fouling-Types of bacteria in crude lines- case study of fouled oil lines- PIM-what is Pipeline Integrity Management- How it is important- Role of laboratory staff 


MAESTRO CONSULTANTS Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course.


Our courses are highly interactive, typically taking a case study approach that we have found to be an effective method of fostering discussions and transferring knowledge. Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of individual exercises, questionnaires, team exercises, training videos and discussions of “real life” issues in their organizations.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply all of the material with immediate effect back in the workplace.

$5,250 per attendee including training material/handouts, morning/afternoon coffee breaks, and Lunch.