Course Details


Dubai, UAE
From Date:  07-Jun-2020   To Date:     11-Jun-2020
5 days
Health, Safety & Environment Trainings

Health and safety issues are becoming increasingly important in the modern industrial world. Risk assessment is a core element of health and safety management. Risk and safety management play an important part in every business success. Identifying the various types of hazards/risks and the implications that each might have on an organisation, as well as highlighting the business benefits that can be obtained through successful risk and safety management all need to be included in an overall company strategy. 

Hazard identification and risk assessment is a continual process. It is done in order to identify whatever could cause injury, damage, ill-health, financial loss and reputational loss to the organization.

·The System Approach to the HIRA
·Identify the hazards
·Assess the risks
·Control the hazard
·Evaluate the control mechanisms
·Continually monitor the hazard and reassess the risk
·Learn how to develop control measures to control risk
·To create an Awareness, Appreciation, and Application  of HIRA

·Identify any thing that may cause injury, damage, ill-health

·To describe the broad framework of hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA) in Chemical Process Industries, storages and in transportation.

·Prioritize the risks in terms of urgency of required attentions

·Discover preventive or mitigating actions that can be taken in each case
Create awareness in all concerned in
each and every factor and activity that may cause injury damage or ill health<

·Enhance decision making by brining all concerned and effected parties into the HIRA process

·Encourage employees to take ownership of their own safety in terms of recognizing and reporting hazards and participating in the discovery and implementations of the solutions that will prevent incidents or mitigate the consequence

·Build a team approach to Health & safety Management



Safety committee members, HSE Managers, Process  Engineers and personnel responsible for undertaking hazard identification and risk assessment


Day 1

Introduction -Productivity and HIRA

HIRA and ISO  14001 and OHSAS 18001


·Legal and Statutory Requirements
oClassifying Work Activities
·Defining hazard types.
oIdentifying Hazards
oDetermining Risks

DAY 2:

·Defining breakdown of hazards.
oHazards Classification
·Physical (Machinery).


DAY 3:

·Risk assessment techniques.
·Hazard rating system.
oDeciding if risk is tolerable
·Control systems to reduce hazards.
oPreparing Risk Control Plan
oReviewing Adequacy of Control Plan
     ·Risk Assessment Process
oPlanning for Risk Assessment


Day 4:

oRisk Analysis
oRisk Evaluation
oRisk Control
·Effective safety inspections.
oHazards Evaluation
oResidual Risk Evaluation & Risk Control
oSafety Audit


 Day 5 :

·Benefits of conducting risk assessment
·Application of methodologies
oHazard Operability (HAZOP)
oFailure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
oFault Tree Analysis (FTA)
oEvent Tree Analysis (ETA)
oSafety  Audit

MAESTRO CONSULTANTS Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


Our courses are highly interactive, typically taking a case study approach that we have found to be an effective method of fostering discussions and transferring knowledge. Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of individual exercises, questionnaires, team exercises, training videos and discussions of “real life” issues in their organizations.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply
all of the material with immediate effect back in the workplace.
