Course Details


Dubai, UAE
From Date:  05-Jul-2020   To Date:     09-Jul-2020
5 days
Corrosion, Metallurgy & Inspection

The rapidly increasing worldwide demand for natural gas as an energy source requires expertise in gas engineering technology, which involves several production operations such as dehydration, acid gas removal, recovery of natural gas liquids and the production of liquefied natural gas. In addition, one involved in such industry needs to be familiar with different gas sources, specifications, storage requirements, transportation and distribution

This course will start by defining what natural gas is, its properties, specifications and end uses.  Then, typical gas processing operations will be discussed, including dehydration, acid gas removal, recovery of ethane, propane and NGL (natural gas liquids), and liquefied natural gas (LNG) operations.  Sulfur recovery, tail gas conditioning and process control will also be discussed. Typical equipment and facilities that are found in typical natural gas processing operations will also be discussed including compressors, vessels, relief systems and safety systems. Finally, the fundamentals of gas transportation and distribution will be discussed.


This course is designed to give the attendants the fundamentals of natural gas conditioning and processing including some of the details of the process.  Specifically, by attending this course you will:

·Gain a deep knowledge of the properties, specifications and end uses of natural gas.

·Gain a deeper understanding of typical natural gas processing operations, including:
oAcid gas removal
oRecovery of ethane, propane and NGL (natural gas liquids)
oSulfur recovery
·Gain a deeper understanding of the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
·Gain a deeper knowledge of the different equipment and facilities found in natural gas processing plants.
·Learn about fundamentals of gas transportation and distribution.

Technical and non-technical personnel involved in the activities of natural gas industry.  Specifically, technical, operations and maintenance personnel who had limited exposure to this area, or professionals involved in other areas of the gas industry who require a comprehensive overview of natural gas processing will find this course ideally suited for them.


Day 1:

·What is natural gas?
·End uses and markets for natural gas
·Environmental advantages
·Physical behavior of natural gas systems
·Physical and thermal properties
·Phase behavior analysis
oPure substances
oThe phase rule
oBehavior of mixtures
oVaporization by gas pressure
oMolecular theory of gases and liquids
oNatural gases
oDensity of natural gas
oDensity of liquids
oDense phase
oSurface tension
oThermal conductivity of gases
oThermodynamic properties
oSampling and analysis
Day 2:
·Natural gas processing plant
oEquipment and components


·Heat exchange in gas processing
oHeat transfer theory
§Mechanisms of heat transfer
§Process heat duty
oHeat exchangers types
§Shell and tube
§Plate and frame
§Aerial coolers
oFired heaters
oHeat recovery units


Day 3:

oDetermination of hydrate formation temperature or pressure
oCondensation of water vapor
oTemperature drop due to gas expansion
oThermodynamic inhibitors
oKinetic inhibitors and anti-agglomerators
·Low temperature exchange (LTX) units and line heaters
oLTX units
oLine heaters
oHeat duty
oFire-tube size
oCoil size
oStandard size line heaters
·Condensate stabilization
oPartial pressure
oMultistage separation
oMulti flashes
oCold feed distillation tower
oDistillation tower with reflux
oCondensate stabilizer design
oTrays and packing
oCondensate stabilizer as a gas processing plant
oLTX unit as a condensate stabilizer


Day 4:

·Acid gas treating
oGas sweetening processes
§Solid bed absorption
§Chemical solvents
§Physical solvent processes
§Direct conversion of H2S to sulfur
§Sulfide scavengers
oProcess selection
oDesign procedure for iron-sponge units
oDesign procedure for amine systems
·Amine absorber
·Amine circulation rates
·Flash drum
·Amine reboilers
·Amine stripper
·Rich/lean amine exchanger
·Amine cooler
·Amine solution purification
·Materials of construction
·Gas dehydration
oWater content determination
oGlycol dehydration
§Process description
§Choice of glycol
§Design considerations
§System sizing
oSolid bed dehydration


Day 5:

·Gas processing
oAbsorption/lean oil
oChoice of process
oTypes of compressors
oSpecifying a compressor
oReciprocating compressors process considerations
·Mechanical design of pressure vessels
oDesign considerations
oInspection procedure
oSpecification and design of pressure vessels
·Pressure relief
oRelief requirements
oType of devices
oValve sizing
·Valves, fittings and piping details
·Safety systems
oHazard tree
oDeveloping a safe process
oFailure mode effect analysis (FMEA)
oAPI recommended practice 14C
oManual emergency shutdown
oHazard analysis
oSafety management systems

Gas transportation and distribution


MAESTRO CONSULTANTS Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


Our courses are highly interactive, typically taking a case study approach that we have found to be an effective method of fostering discussions and transferring knowledge. Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of individual exercises, questionnaires, team exercises, training videos and discussions of “real life” issues in their organizations.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply
all of the material with immediate effect back in the workplace.
