Course Details


Dubai, UAE
From Date:  26-Jan-2020   To Date:     30-Jan-2020

The environment of current business requires an increased focus on practices and skills in planning projects and work, properly organizing tasks and one’s work to improve productivity and delegating work to empowered staff. Businesses and indeed, all organizations, find themselves needing more productive methods of planning, more appropriate goals and effective means of accomplishing work. A focus on using productive best practices allows for effective and efficient management of work and making changes in the organization.

The course is designed to give participants an understanding of several management methods, processes and procedures, as well as practice on several key management techniques. The principles used are easily adapted to an organization’s or individual’s work assignments. The course presents a methodology of common, standard management techniques using a simple theoretical foundation and enhances learning with practical activities so students can develop knowledge and skill to manage more effectively and efficiently.

  • Recognize internal and external influences on our daily planning
  • Use basic planning process tools to plan work and project strategy
  • Understand and develop skills necessary to complete work on time
  • Learn how to organize work and projects to complete them successfully
  • Understand how delegation can be used in planning and organizing
  • Understand the characteristics of colleagues who do work in our teams
  • Develop positive interpersonal techniques for better team relationships
  • Develop the ability to make higher quality decisions as work is planned and organized

The course is designed for anyone who desires to learn practical management techniques that will assist them in developing good planning techniques, using skills to organize themselves and others and developing effective delegation skills. The course is appropriate for those who are responsible for managing any type of group or team or those who want to learn some skills to be able to better manage their work.


Day One

  • Creating an Attitude to Change How We Plan and Organize Work
  • Course purpose, goals and objectives
  • New systems & strategic thinking
  • Overview and context of organizational change and the impact on planning and organization
  • Identifying a standard of excellence in the organization, team and personal work
  • Review of management processes and skill areas
  • Using a planning process to set goals and get projects started


Day Two

  • Importance of Planning Management
  • Integrating goals, scope, work structure and management planning
  • Identifying initial resource requirements
  • Identifying risk techniques that affect work assignments, priorities and deadlines
  • Communication that responds to who, what where, when, how, why
  • Understanding the importance of quality planning in work assignments


Day Three

Delegation, Personal Organization and Setting Priorities

  • Understanding how people approach their work
  • Planning for time management, scheduling and meeting deadlines
  • Using proper delegation skills to empower staff
  • Improving prioritizing of work and work tasks
  • Planning for delegation responsibility and authority

Day Four

Planning Effectively with Your Team

  • Identifying skills required to obtain the help of others
  • The importance of group skills to achieve team success
  • The importance of interpersonal skills in making personal and team decisions
  • Empowering the team through the development of interpersonal skills
  • The importance of versatility in team relations

Day Five

Developing Personal and Team Change Plans

  • Innovation and improvement for personal and team change
  • Identification of change processes and human change
  • Techniques to set personal and team change goals
  • Dealing with people who do not want change
  • Developing an action plan for personal and team change

MAESTRO CONSULTANTS Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


Our courses are highly interactive, typically taking a case study approach that we have found to be an effective method of fostering discussions and transferring knowledge. Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of individual exercises, questionnaires, team exercises, training videos and discussions of “real life” issues in their organizations.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply
all of the material with immediate effect back in the workplace.
