Course Details


Dubai, UAE
From Date:  20-May-2024   To Date:     24-May-2024
5 Days
Public Relations & Customer Service

Relationship management and after sale service have been found responsible for today’s businesses’ success in maintaining and expanding clientele base. It is the psychology of support and confidence that make a customer to stay loyal or look for the ultimate exist door.

This workshop takes full interest in getting managers to get the right customer service and the overwhelming mindset of business excellence into their daily practice. It is a give and take customer relationship and as much as customer believes that he can rely on your warranties, product quality, and your continuous support and after sale service, as much as you would win his loyalty and guarantee his on-going lucrative business.

Organization’s effectiveness is measured by their ability to supply their customer needs and wants efficiently. But how the organization can achieve excellent customer service is a key issue to sustain competitive business environment. This workshop aims to bring professional, high-level customer service concepts into common ground with front-line services by offering a unique improvement tool to help those delivering services and put their customers at the core of what they do.

This course is also designed to enrich and update the knowledge and skills of the participants for achieving excellent customer relations and applying world-class strategies and tactics to keep track of the changing customer needs.


The course aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of customer needs, and to demonstrate that service improvement efforts fail more from ineffective management practices than from lack of front-line effort. The application of proper strategies and tactics for addressing customer expectations will always result in increased competitive advantage through greater market share and profitability.

This training course provides participants with the essential tools and techniques for successful implementation of their supervision position.


At the end of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand what is meant by customer service.
  • Analyze basic behavioral patterns of different customer personality profiles.
  • Understand the impact that poor service has on repeat business.
  • Consider the difference between the relationship and the transaction.
  • Encourage colleagues to offer effective customer care.
  • Show that ‘behavior breeds behavior’.
  • Practice skills for dealing with customers and handling their complaints.
  • Use assertiveness techniques to overcome difficult situations.
  • Rectify customer complaints to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Design an action plan for achieving excellence in customer care and service.
  • Recognize the value of satisfied customers.
  • Be familiar with the process of how to identify, meet and exceed customers' needs and expectations.
  • Understand and carry out the importance of continuously reviewing and improving customer service through managing customer relationship.
  • Prepare an action plan to implement on return to work.

Anyone from front and back office employees who are involved in managing customer service and deal with their day to day issues in any organizational context. However the workshop However, propriate for senior employees with 8 years + experience; team leaders, relationship managers; mid and high-level professionals; organization representatives; workshop managers; PR specialists and directors/business line managers entrusted with business sustainability and strategic planning.


Total Customer Service Excellence – An Overview

  • Why Worry About Customer Service?
  • Quality Customer Service
  • Activity: Meeting the Challenge Of Total Customer Service
  • What Is Customer Service?
  • What Makes Good or Bad Service?
  • Customer Expectations
  • How Organizations Can Adapt Towards Serving Their Customers Effectively?
  • Measuring Customer Service
  • The Customer Service Approach
  • Customer-Focused Organizational Structure
  • Every Complaint Is an Opportunity
  • Summary: Total Customer Service


Communication and Handling Customer Complaints

  • Customer Service Depends on You
  • Customer Communication Approach
  • Satisfied Customers Versus Dissatisfied Customers
  • Having Positive Customer Attitude
  • Why People Are Positive
  • Customers Recall Experience
  • Positive Customer Affirmations – Customer Mindset
  • Communication to Improve Customer Service
  • Key to Listening Effectiveness
  • Communication on The Telephone
  • Telephone Skills
  • Understanding Social Behaviour And Styles to Improve Customer Service
  • Customer Communication Process to Handle Complaints
  • Managing Relation
  • Managing Transaction
  • Measuring Success
  • Achieving Customer Delight – The Extra Mile
  • Summary: Managing Challenge of Total Customer Service

MAESTRO CONSULTANTS Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course.


Our courses are highly interactive, typically taking a case study approach that we have found to be an effective method of fostering discussions and transferring knowledge. Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of individual exercises, questionnaires, team exercises, training videos and discussions of “real life” issues in their organizations.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply all of the material with immediate effect back in the workplace.
