Course Details




Bids and tendering management ensures, fair and effective procurement of goods and services through competitive bidding.
Key Components:
- Preparation: Define needs and prepare clear tender documents.
- Submission: Advertise tender and manage bid submissions.
- Evaluation: Assess bids based on set criteria and award the contract.
- Management: Oversee contract execution and ensure all terms are met.
Best Practices:
- Ensure transparency and fairness.
- Communicate clearly with bidders.
- Maintain thorough and precise documentation.
- Use objective criteria for bid evaluation.
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
The course covers the key aspect of technical bidding and tendering, especially projects. The course provides guidance to developing truly effective tenders that enables delivery of more effective bids and negotiating better contracts and claims. It provides understanding of the contracting processes and appropriate strategies for application to specific project bid situations.
This course is designed for all staff who are involved with the tendering business. Tender Coordinators, Tender Managers, Contract managers, Procurement managers, Purchasing and supply managers, Tender or Project Support Staff, Construction Supervisors and Coordinators and IT Tender and Project Supervisors and Coordinators.
1. Project Initialization Requirements
2. Planning the Procurement Lifecycle
• Importance of Tendering
• Planning the Tender Stages
• Types of bids and auctions
• Basic definitions of tendering terms
• The procurement cycles
• The Tender process
• The Tender activities
3. Importance of Communication and Information
4. Achieving a Competitive Tendering
Day 2
1. Contract types and methods
2. Bidding decisions and issues to consider
3. Bid Preparation and Issue
o Tender documents and details
o Plan the response to the Invitation to Tender (ITT)
o Tender standards
4. Developing and writing the bid
o Structuring the content
o Bid letters
o Preparing the bid summary
5. Avoiding Tender Pitfalls
6. Risks of Inadequate tendering in Oil Industry
1. Commercial Tender Evaluation
o Price and Cost Analysis
o Designing Optimal Evaluation Criteria and scoring
2. Applying Due Diligence to Ensure Viability of The Supplier, The Bid and The Contract
3. What is AQSCIR?
4. Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT)
5. Tendering best practices
1. The sourcing life-cycle
2. Integrated Project Team-Best Practices
3. Technical Tender evaluation
o Conducting internal checks for quality and compliance
o Managing Exposure: Effective Risk Management
4. Assessing sources of risks after tendering
5. Ways for risk mitigation in the contracting process
1. Tendering for IT projects
2. IT procurement risk matrix
3. Performance based contracting
4. Drafting guidelines and recommendations
5. Basics of Tendering and Negotiation skills
6. Tactics and tricks during technical negotiation
7. Technical representative role in Contract administration
MAESTRO CONSULTANTS Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course.
Our courses are highly interactive, typically taking a case study approach that we have found to be an effective method of fostering discussions and transferring knowledge. Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of individual exercises, questionnaires, team exercises, training videos, and discussions of “real-life” issues in their organizations.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply all of the material with immediate effect back in the workplace.